9 Best Working Kodi addons after Shutdown of Covenant (March 2025)


Hey guys, today we are back with the 9 Best Working Kodi addons as of March 2025.  Covenant was the best and only choice for us after the death of Exodus but now we lost Covenant too because of the anti-piracy alliance. Fortunately, the latest Exodus Update has changed the addon and it is much stronger addon now.

In recent time we have seen entries of many new addons but seems that they don’t know the proper taste of Kodi users. Still, some old repositories such as Kodi Bae, Kodil Repository and Maverick TV are working and that all together can full fill lack of Covenant. Here we have listed 9 of the best working Kodi addons which include some old or some New Kodi addons

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List of 9 Best Working Kodi addons (March 2025):

Legal Notice: We (mykodiaddons.com) are strongly against content piracy, and we implore our readers to avoid it by all means.
Attention Kodi Users: Read before you continue

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1. Exodus Redux 

2. Exodus 8.0

3. Movie Theater Butter

4. Magic Dragon

5. Genesis Reborn

6. Midian

7. Aragon Live 

8. At the Flix

9. Elementum

NOTE: Many addons from this list are 3rd party addons and not supported by the Kodi Team and so do not try to post questions related to these addons on the Kodi Official Forums. 

1. Exodus Redux :

How to Install Exodus Redux Kodi AddonExodus Redux is all new Exodus fork with latest Lambdascraper integration. Most of the code came from Incursion Kodi addon with better implementation and Placement. Like most of the other fork addons, there is no change in layout and user interface.

How to Install Exodus Redux on Kodi Leia

2. Exodus 8.0 :

How to Install Exodus Kodi addon on Firestick Krypton

I think we are enough lucky that still, we are using these two amazing addons despite shutting down of the respective official repository but still some new users are facing trouble to get exodus installed so below we have shown guide to install the addon

How to Install Exodus 8.0 on Kodi Leia

3. Movie Theater Butter :

How to Install Movie Theater Butter Kodi addonAddon from Diamond Wizard repo is a fork of past popular Exodus Kodi and offers a one-click feature to use. Main feature of the addon is that you don’t have to find streaming sources for particular Movies and TV Shows, Just click on Movies or any content you want to watch and rest will do addon itself by finding best quality content through their scrapers.

How to Install Movie Theater Butter on Kodi Leia

4. The Magic Dragon :

How to Install The Magic Dragon Kodi Addon 2018

The Magic Dragon is popular Kodi addon from Supremacy Repository. This new popular Kodi addon has gained lots of popularity in a short span of time. You will have the following categories option to make a choice: MoviesSport, TV, People Watching, Documentaries, New Movies Releases, Kids, Music and some more.

How to Install The Magic Dragon Kodi Addon

5. Genesis Reborn :

Genesis Reborn, Fork of old Genesis which went down along with one of the top repository is one of the best addon for watch Movies and TV Shows.

How to Install Genesis Reborn on Kodi Leia

6. Midian

How to Install Midian Kodi Addon on Krypton

Popular All in one Kodi addon from Where The Monsters Live Repository promises some powerful streaming contents to enjoy. Since it is all in one addon, it provides almost every type of contents whether it is Movies, TV Shows, Sports, Live TV, Documentaries or any other stuff, It has all.

How to Install Midian on Kodi Leia

7. Aragon Live

How to Install Aragon Live Kodi Addon

The name of addon itself says that this one is for users who want a good IPTV addon to watch Live TV Channels. Blamo Repository has been producing good working addon consistently keeping in mind all type of users and Aragon Live is one of them.

This one can be your primary IPTV addon if other addons are not working for you. Aragon Live has mainly two categories to choose but you can find a wide range of sub-categories in the Aragon LiveNetTV which includes Movies, Music, News, Documentaries, Kids, Sports, and UK & USA Channels.

How to Install Aragon Live Kodi Addon

8. At the Flix :

How to Install At The Flix Kodi Addon on KryptonMaverick TV comes with another addon and this time it is all in one addon. At The Flix provides almost all type of streaming content which includes Movies, TV Shows, Sports, Live TV, Music, 4K Ultra HD, Concerts, Joker Sports, Direct links, Real Debrid Movies, Kids Movie and much more.

How to Install At the Flix on Kodi Leia

9. Elementum :

How to Install Elementum Kodi Addon

Fork of popular Quasar addon, Elementum offers most of the stream from Torrent. You can Add Torrent you wish to watch directly through an addon. Navigation is simple and you should not get any issue to find any options.

How to Install Elementum on Kodi Leia

That’s all for now. I’ll back with some new Useful Stuff

Thank you.

Disclaimer: The applications, add-ons or services mentioned on this site are to be used at the discretion of users. We do not verify the legality of these apps, nor do we promote, link to or host streams with copyright protection. We are strongly against content piracy, and we implore our readers to avoid it by all means. Whenever we mention free streaming on our site, we are referring to content without copyright protection that is available to the public.


  1. […] post 12 Best Working Kodi addons after Shut down of Covenant appeared first on My Kodi […]

  2. Most of these repositories have been shut down as of March 8, 2018. Of the remaining repos, the best and most complete is the Kodil repo. Stream Army was still working as of today, but not a whole lot of choice there. Everyone is either being sued or scared out of business, so I would make my own backup if I was you, folks!


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