If you are a Kodi user, then this article is exactly what you need! The following will provide you with an up to date list of the Best Kodi repositories. With the help of a repository, you will actually have access to tons of various fantastic Add-ons, all in one installation!
A Kodi repository is a “shelf” that stores loads of various Kodi Add-ons, while the Add-ons are the actual source through which TV shows and movies are viewed. Once you have installed a Kodi repository, you will have near unlimited access to the Best Kodi add-ons for your pleasure.
Regular Update: Latest Kodi 18.5 Leia is now officially available to download
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Current Popular Repositories
Best Kodi Repositories List (March 2025)
Below I have updated the list of Kodi repositories. If you find out that any of the repositories below does not contain the add-on that you are interested in, all you have to do is to simply install another Repository. Here is the Kodi Repositories List…
A nice repository that holds a continually updated list of a number of add-ons is the UKodi1 Repository. Although there are only about 7 add-ons in the Repo, they are all working perfectly.
The Repo is reputable for containing some of the very best Kodi add-ons, with a frequent update that releases add-ons that are better than various add-ons contained therein.
This unique and fantastic repo currently hosts The Kratos, Adult Swim, Cartoon Network, YouTube, WOW, and Deathstar.
The continuous update of this Repo has made it a nice choice among users of the Kodi Build.
Kodi Bae
Although, the Kodi Bae Repo is a repo that actually contains a smaller amount of add-ons, the relatively few add-ons that it contains, are one of the very best, and most popular add-ons available. With, a few numbers of Add-ons, the Kodi Bae add-on has a less than a substantial quantity of add-ons. Just that the few add-ons that are available are of great and fabulous quality.
Some of the fantastic add-ons that are available on the Kodi Repo include cCloud TV, 9Anime, PrimeWire, Ultimate IPTV, Sparkle, Sportie, and so much more.
Kodisreal is arguably the best Kodi Repo that there is, this is due to the fact that it consists of add-ons that are high, both in terms of quality, and that of quantity. You will actually get what you need and a little bit more with their fantastic collection of hundreds of add-on choices. The add-on collection is sure to cater for most, if not all of your entertainment needs.
Some of the top Kodi add-ons that are featured in this amazing Repo include Elysium, Exodus, Covenant, Duckpool, Quantum, Placenta, 123 Movies, Fantastic, and lots more.
One of the features of Kodisreal that makes it a fantastic choice for people contemplating using a Repo lies in the fact that it has the unique ability to install more than just the typical Movie and TV show add-ons. It also has Music add-ons, Lyrics add-on, Program add-ons, Picture add-ons, subtitles and so much more.
If what you currently need is a Kodi Repository that will offer value that is way above what you paid for, then, Kodisreal will be a very fantastic choice for you.
If you are a Kodi user that is interested in adding some fantastic sports Add-ons to your arsenal, then the Supremacy Repo is a great choice for you! Apart from the aforementioned fact that it is filled with various sports options, it also offers its users, both Live TV and IPTV choices.
Some of the very best add-ons that can be found on the Supremacy Repo are Adult Swim, Supremacy Sports, Planet MMA, Electra Vault, Supremacy, Sublime, SportsDevil, YouTube, Yoda, The Magic Dragon, and lots more.
Once the Supremacy Repo has been installed by you, you will find out that the Add-on offers way more than just sport. Apart from the awesome add-ons that are already listed, you will also have access to Music, Subtitles, and lots more. so, either you are a sports fan or not, the Supremacy Repo is a fantastic, all-around choice for your viewing pleasure.
Maverick TV
Maverick TV is a Repo that is perfect for you if what you are looking for is a wide variety of add-ons. Besides add-ons that are primarily for video streaming, Maverick TV offer to its users, some of the best music add-ons on the Kodi Build.
Some of the add-ons on the Maverick TV’s Repo are also actually some of the best add-ons there are, the include: Copy and Paste, Maverick TV, JukeBoxHero, The Magic Dragon, SportsDevil, and Now Music USA.
Although the Maverick TV Repo does not contain a large number of add-ons like other Repos do, it is still one of the best choices a person looking to add to their Kodi selection can make. For audio lovers, nothing beats the amazing Maverick TV.
Kodil repo
With countless add-ons present in this repo, Kodil Repo is a fantastic choice for users that are interested in a wide genre of entertainment options. In this unique repo, you can have access to add-ons of different genres. Genres such as movies, sports, TV shows, news and lots more. with the help of this carefully selected add-ons, you can also have access to Live TV, games, and movies. All of the add-ons are carefully arranged in alphabetical order such that it will be very easy for users to locate their favorite Kodi add-on. The Kodil Repo is a popular choice for UK, US, and Canadian users. Some of the add-ons in the Kodil Repo includes Fox sports, Nemesis, Stream Hub, Peaky Blinders and so much more.
All Eyez On Me
The All Eyez On Me Repo is a fairly new Repo on Kodi with a nice collection of add-ons. On this fantastic add-on, you get to have access to add-ons that are related to Music, Live TV, Kids content, and much more. You will also have access to some of the best Kodi add-ons on the repo. They include: Genesis Reborn, Indigo, YouTube, Disney Junior, FilmOn, and lots more. The repository has been tested and found to be flawless with no broken add-ons.
All Over Repositories
- http://areswizard.co.uk/ [Ares Wizard]
- arnuboxota.com/repo/addons/ [Arnu Box]
- catoal.org/ [Catoal]
- repo.cazwall.com/sc [Caz Repository]
- cazlo.com/repo/ [Cazlo Repository]
- tinyurl.com/colossusrepo [Colossus Repository]
- kodiuk.tv/repo [All Eyez On Me daffy]
- dazbtutorials.com/kodi/ [Daz B]
- gen-tec.co/gentecwiz [Deliverance]
- mirror.isoc.org.il/pub/ [Dependency]
- dimitrology.com/repo/ [Dimitrology Build]
- teamexpat.ninja/repo/ [Fail Army Addons Club]
- ajbuilds.uk/repo/ [Falcon AJ Repository]
- fantazyrepo.uk/repo/ [Fido Addon]
- legionworldtv.com/repo/ [Freeworld Repo]
- https://repo.gaiakodi.com/ [Gaia Repo]
- jesusboxrepo.xyz/repo/ [Genesis Reborn]
- gen-tec.co/gentecwiz/ [Gentec Build]
- ike.000webhostapp.com/Repository/ [Ike Addon]
- kdil.co/repo/ [Kodil Repository] [Repo is Down]
- ivuetvguide.com/install/ [iVue TV]
- archive.org/download/repository.lazarus-0.1 [Exoshark / Lazarus Addon]
- lihattv.com/install/ [Lihat Tv]
- archive.org/download/plugin.video.mic [Made in Canada]
- mavericktv.net/mavrepo/ [Maverick TV]
- rmkodi.uk/repo/Addons/ or vectordroid.com/repo/ [Money Sports addon]
- steptoesplace.net/repo/ [Monster Munch]
- mybuild.darkwebrepo.gq/install/ [Mundo Infantil addon]
- apsattv.com/kodi/ [MX Australia Addon]
- ninjasys.uk/ [News 12 Addon]
- http://nan.aftermathwizard.net/nanrepo/ [Noobs and Nerds]
- archive.org/download/back2basicsrepo [Origin Repository]
- theplayersklub.us/playersklub/ [Players Klub addon]
- renegadestv.uk/repo/ [Renegades Repo]
- rmkodi.uk/repo/RMAddons/ [Retromania addon]
- sanctuaryrepo.esy.es/sanc/ [Sanctuary]
- archive.org/download/gracie242 [Serendipity addon]
- streamarmy.co.uk/repo/ [Stream Army]
- archive.org/download/repository.streamhub [Stream Hub]
- brettus.890m.com/ [Stream Z TV Addon]
- apkz.co.uk/streamztv/ [StreamzTv]
- archive.org/download/tvsupertuga.repository [Super Tuga]
- supremacy.org.uk/zip/repo/ [Supremacy addon]
- kodi.discavehb.com/ [Surikata TV addon]
- laredocordcutters.com/repo/ [Survivor addon]
- repo.tantrumtv.com/download/ [Tantrum TV]
- teambluerepo.esy.es/Repository/ [Team Blue Live Events]
- archive.org/download/repository.xbmchub-3.0.0/ [TV Addons New]
- canalnereo.com/canalnereo/REPOS/ [TV Chopo addon]
- alivegr.net/master/ [Greek / Twilight ]
- addoncloud.org/ukturk/install/ [UKTurk Playlists]
- uktvnow.net/kodi/ [UKTV Now]
- atlasash.com/repo/ [Ultimate IPTV]
- worldkodi.com/ [Universe addon]
- repo.kodi.vn/ [Vietnam addon]
- geetee.site/repo/zips/ [WeeTV addon]
- airup.online/repo/ [Wildside addon]
- subiectiv.com/oe/ [Zak addon]
Also check: Kodi 18 Builds
That’s all for now. I’ll back with some new Useful Stuff.
Thank you.
Disclaimer: The applications, add-ons or services mentioned on this site are to be used at the discretion of users. We do not verify the legality of these apps, nor do we promote, link to or host streams with copyright protection. We are strongly against content piracy, and we implore our readers to avoid it by all means. Whenever we mention free streaming on our site, we are referring to content without copyright protection that is available to the public.
Mucky Duck repo is shut down.
Thank you. We’ll update the list soon.
Im struggling to connect to NoobsandNerds, not sure if that’s been shut down.
slims repo not working as 1st march
Thanks. We have removed from the list.
Goodfellas repo no longer working.
Non stop no longer in Where the monsters live repo. Where can I find it?
Paradox repo no gone for good
Anyone know where I can find sport channels from Argentina? I need channels like “TYC Spots” “TNT Deportes” “Fox Sports Premium”
Not All of them Need HTTP: or HTTPS: before the URL???